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How it works
Refer customers to us and earn over ₹60,000 per month
We consider referral partners to be those who refer customers to us.
Referral Partner will Refer My (Kiran) phone number to Customer who is in need for loan.
Our goal is to assist our customers in selecting the best loan offers (personal loan, home loan, or plot loan etc.).
When the loan is sanctioned, the customer needs to send a confirmation email with the details of the person who referred them to us keeping the referrer(i.e. you) in cc to avail referral money.
Once the loan gets disbursed same is confirmed to the Referral partners (i.e. you).
Referral Money will be given based on the net Loan Disbursement. For Example if person has applied for 1 cr, but he got disbursement of 50 lakhs, then the referral money will be given for 50 lakhs only.